miio BlogCharging

How to Find Charging Stations


Publication date: 28/06/24

With the significant increase in electric vehicle drivers, new challenges arise, with one of the main ones being the difficulty in finding charging stations. The public charging station network has grown radically in recent years, but the penetration is not yet equal everywhere, especially in rural areas, which can make it difficult to find suitable charging stations for specific electric vehicles.

This text has a single goal: to show you how to locate charging stations. There is a very simple and effective solution: the miio app.

While it is possible to use Google Maps to search for charging stations, this article will show you how to take advantage of the app's intelligent features to locate chargers quickly and easily, ensuring more peaceful and efficient trips.

Get to know the miio App

miio is not just a tool; it is an essential facilitator for electric vehicle drivers. This application was developed with the aim of simplifying users' lives, presenting itself as an intuitive platform where you can find everything you need to manage your charging needs efficiently.

When opening the app, users are immediately directed to a map that takes into account their current location. With just a few clicks, you can quickly search for nearby charging stations or use the detailed search function to find stations that meet specific criteria, such as connector type, charging speed, and charger availability (whether it is being used or not). Additionally, you can filter the search to show only free chargers.

Map and search box - miio App

In addition to the location of stations, miio offers detailed information about each station, including recent user comments, ratings, and even cost estimates (comparative) for charging. This data is updated in real time, ensuring that users can make informed decisions during their trips.

EV Charging Station Details - miio App

The app also includes route planning, which not only suggests the route to the chosen station but can also recommend the best route, including all necessary charging stops for longer trips, ensuring you never run out of battery.

Locating Charging Stations

In this section, we will show some ways to locate stations using the miio app.

Free Navigation

As mentioned earlier, when opening the app, the map automatically displays the region where the user is located, showing the nearest charging stations. By dragging the screen to other areas, the map updates automatically, revealing more available chargers. This functionality allows free exploration and discovery of charging stations nearby or in other areas of interest.

Charging Stations Map - miio App

Using the Search Field

miio’s search box allows searching for specific places, addresses, or points of interest. On the same screen, you will also find a list of stations within a certain radius based on your location, facilitating the quick location of a nearby station.

Charging Stations Advanced Search - miio App

Advanced Search Filters

For drivers with specific preferences or more particular needs, miio offers detailed filters to refine the search. Some examples:

  • Charging Speed: Select stations that offer normal, fast, or ultra-fast charging, depending on the time you have available.
  • Location Type: Choose chargers on public roads, shopping centres, hotels, supermarkets, restaurants, or other specific locations.
  • Availability: View only stations that are currently available for charging, hiding those that are in use.
  • Vehicle Compatibility: Filter by chargers compatible with your vehicle's connector. For a better experience, register your vehicle.
  • Stations with High Ratings: Prioritise stations that have high scores from other users, ensuring a reliable charging experience.

Charging Stations Filters - miio App

This feature not only makes the search for charging more efficient but also personalises the experience, ensuring you find exactly what you need.

Station Details

By clicking on any charging station on the map, you will see a screen with some basic and useful data that help plan your charging stop with precision and confidence. By clicking again on the connector option, you can get more detailed information about the station.

Basic Information

  • Full Address: You will see the exact address of the station for easy location.
  • Estimated Arrival Time: The app shows the distance and calculates the arrival time to the location, helping in route planning.
  • Available Connectors: Check which and how many connectors are available at the station, ensuring compatibility with your vehicle.
  • Charging Time: Information on how long it will take to charge your vehicle.

Connectors and Comments

  • Available Connectors: Accessing the connectors tab, you will find detailed information about each type of connector available at the station. These details include availability, power, average cost, and estimated charging time, allowing you to choose the most suitable option for your vehicle.
  • Comments and Ratings: Read comments from other users and see community ratings, offering real insights into the quality and reliability of the service.

Prices and Assistance

  • Charging Cost Simulation: In the app's price tab, you can check in detail the composition of the price charged by the station and perform a simulation of the estimated cost to fully charge your vehicle, based on the rates applied by the station.
  • Station Operator and Technical Support Contact: In the assistance tab, you have information about who operates the station and how to contact technical support, ensuring additional support if needed.

Plan Your Route

This feature not only suggests the route to the chosen charging station but also optimises your entire journey, including strategic stops for recharging, ensuring you never run out of battery.

How It Works

By entering your destination, miio automatically calculates the most efficient route, taking into account the location of charging stations along the way, presenting the necessary number of stops, estimated travel time, and the total charging cost for that route. If necessary, you can adjust the route preferences to include specific stops or avoid areas with few charging options.

Route Customisation

The app allows you to customise the route according to specific needs:

  • Station Selection: Choose charging stations based on criteria such as shortest charging time, lowest cost, or best ratings.
  • Charging Needs Prediction: miio predicts when and where you will need to recharge, considering your battery range and driving style.


With intuitive and comprehensive features, the app not only simplifies the location of charging stations but also enhances the driving experience with optimised route planning and detailed information about each station. By integrating miio into your trips, you ensure not only efficiency and economy but also contribute to more sustainable mobility.

Find a Charging Station with the miio App

Additionally, if you prefer even more convenient alternatives that allow you more freedom and autonomy, the miio store offers a wide variety of portable electric vehicle chargers. These products are perfect for drivers who prefer an easy and practical charging solution, wherever they are. Furthermore, the miio store offers a wide selection of options for electric vehicles, including a variety of accessories that make everyday life in electric mobility more efficient and comfortable.

miio Store - electric vehicle chargers

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